Now is often the time that we need to update any shots our pointers are due for, get a heartworm check if they are not on year-round preventative, and also think about flea & tick preventative if you are using it. (We have used Frontline for years.)
It's also a good time to dust off the boots and get your dogs out for some romps in the nice weather. Be sure to check for burrs, cuts, and many-legged visitors when you return from a run.
It's also the time of year things begin growing again. Be aware of toxic plants in your yard and running areas. Most pointers are not big into eating inedible items, but some will chew on plants and many can cause stomach upset and (rarely) poisoning. Keep an eye out for mushrooms, many of which are toxic, as well.
We always find spring is a good time to do a good fencing check and also do any minor repairs to our outdoor doggy facilities. This year we are replacing some of our gravel in the dogyard and we will be refurbishing our "puppy kennel" before our upcoming litter. We'll also be bleaching and scrubbing our outdoor buckets and clean-up equipment.
The older dogs now seem to be wanting to be outdoors more, and Morgan (who will be 15 in July) even longed out in the yard in the sunshine with me while I was raking up some of the gardens this afternoon. Rowan, of course, was all about her tennis ball, and I could hear the boys wrestling in the dogyard. Scarlett and I had a firm discussion about depopulating the pond (she loves the fish!) and I will be replacing the gate around the pond as Rowan has figured out how to open it (Rowan likes fish too...)
Enjoy the warm weather as it comes. Hopefully we will all be looking forward to puppies soon!
Here's little Lucy at 8 weeks, thinking about fish, too! She is now Ch Corwyn's Five Cent Advice JH and lives in NY with Desiree Brock.
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