What's Happening at Corwyn Pointers?

Corwyn breeds Pointers for AKC showing, field competition, personal hunting and family companions. Emphasis on type, temperament, style and drive. This page keeps you up to date on what’s new at Corwyn! Please subscribe to get our updated news as it is posted. You may want to search the archives for some of our older videos.

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Sunday, May 3

Breeding Update

No news yet! Just checking in...

So far it's too early for a breeding and Rowan just does her Rowan giggle and walks away while Duncan is busily trying to prove how manly he is by peeing on stuff, flirting, wagging furiously, and whispering in her ear. Oh, well, yeah, and sniffing her behind....

Usually the bitch will not permit the dog to breed her until just before she ovulates, or sometimes after. It takes 2 days for the eggs to mature and be ready to be fertilized. Normally breeding is permitted a few days beforehand. The sperm travels fairly quickly, so it's useful for it to be ready and waiting when the eggs are ready. The sperm can be viable for up to a week, so there can be a good amount of overlap from the time the dogs permit a breeding until the eggs are released, mature, and are fertilized.

All we know at this point is that Duncan has happy "wriggles" as my friend Helayne calls them, and Rowan is not quite ready for him!

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